Amsterdam is a fucking awesome city. Everyone should know, everyone should visit as often as possible. Just being here makes me happy, and doing things - walking around, looking at canals, every mundane, simple thing - is almost so euphoric as to induce a catatonic state. i don't know if that makes sense, but it amuses me. Of course, now i'm tired, slight jet lagged and my feet are already sore, but who the fuck cares. i'm in amsterdam. deep sigh of profound satisfaction. and that's as dirty as anyone wants to read into it.
well, obviously you have the dirtiest person in the world reading this, so you know how i take it. beat that line. im glad you got there safely. its hot as fuck here today. i worked a full day and they want me to come back in tomorrow. but im starting to feel normal again. well, at least not nocturnal. and thats something ive been looking forward to for a long time. i played pool after work. we have a match tomorrow night. we're in first place and we are playing the last place team. so we really need to sweep to keep a lead. i started my frozen yogurt (am i the only person in the world that just never spells that word right??) diet today. ok, i make the diets up, but they work. im thinking if i just turn off the ac, i can sweat the pounds off. ok, food. im starving. dinner is the normal meal. so ill just keep looking forward to dinner.
i remember, the name of the coffee shop i went to was rookies. that place was awesome.