Right - the worst part of traveling in a large group is the remarkably parallel dimunition of personal space and time. I mean, how do you find time for a comfortable wank when you're sharing a hotel room with a few people, when someone else needs to get into the bathroom, when the walls are all fucking paper thin (damn those european walls). Basically, i'll...
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So to fully explain this, i think some quick background is necessary. I am visiting a group of friends in Lisbon, a group I was introduced to by one friend in particular who is my colleague back in new york. It was in he process of visiting him here last summer and touring part of Portugal that I met his group of friends, into which...
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Very cool cafe in lisbon-
Noo Bai cafe~
nice pictures on their site of the view from their veranda out over the river
Noo Bai cafe~
nice pictures on their site of the view from their veranda out over the river
i wrote you a whole comment last night and my computer froze for the 400th time and i gave up. that view looks amazing. jealous. me. i got your postcard. and im honored to be the final home of three women in bloomers. nothing all that new or exciting here. ok, i have a funny story i can tell you. i played pool the other night and took a cab from the upper west side to a bar in the east village. my cab driver's name was gene. hi8m and i started talking. he told me i was the coolest girl he ever met. and not a forced kind of cool, but a natural cool. so the whole way down we are talking and he keeps looking back to make eye contact. i told him to watch the road and that i could hear him just fine. he said, come on, i can drive this cab with my eyes closed. that made me feel so much better. i dont remember at what point i realized he had no front teeth. anyways, i digress. he told me how he studied to be a pharmacist and he missed the final test by only 10 points. that was encouraging. then he started saying how that was in 1977. he wanted to take it again so he didnt have to drive the cab. i told him he should go for it! do what you want to get out of life. so, we finally get to the bar, and he asks if we can hang out sometime and play pool. plus, with my encouragement, he would take the pharmacy test again just for me. i told him thats something he has to do for himself. i felt bad. but i dont make it a habit to hang out with guys my dads age and as sexy as he was, well, no teeth is the deal breaker. but i didnt want to hurt his feelings cause he told me how happy i made him that night, so i just politely took his number and left for the night.
i just rad the entry below. i wouldnt know. i only wear g-strings

Why is it that women de-wedgie-ing themselves can be so erotic? I think it is the completely nonchalant, unnoticed intimacy of the motion. Something so personal and yet so completely automatic, almost irrelevant to everything around. Overblown attempts at attraction usually come across as farsical to me - supermodels, makeup, expensive clothes. The humanity, or more appropriately femininity, of such a simple, subconscious gesture becomes...
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Arrived in Lisbon today - for the worlds general information, the lisbon airport is one of the slowest places in the world. It took 20 minutes for the luggage to start coming out on the conveyors, and i know the bus ride from the tarmack to the terminal was only 5 minutes. Following the exasperation of waiting for luggage with obnoxious children running around hooting,...
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Amsterdam is a fucking awesome city. Everyone should know, everyone should visit as often as possible. Just being here makes me happy, and doing things - walking around, looking at canals, every mundane, simple thing - is almost so euphoric as to induce a catatonic state. i don't know if that makes sense, but it amuses me. Of course, now i'm tired, slight jet lagged...
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well, obviously you have the dirtiest person in the world reading this, so you know how i take it. beat that line. im glad you got there safely. its hot as fuck here today. i worked a full day and they want me to come back in tomorrow. but im starting to feel normal again. well, at least not nocturnal. and thats something ive been looking forward to for a long time. i played pool after work. we have a match tomorrow night. we're in first place and we are playing the last place team. so we really need to sweep to keep a lead. i started my frozen yogurt (am i the only person in the world that just never spells that word right??) diet today. ok, i make the diets up, but they work. im thinking if i just turn off the ac, i can sweat the pounds off. ok, food. im starving. dinner is the normal meal. so ill just keep looking forward to dinner.
i remember, the name of the coffee shop i went to was rookies. that place was awesome.
So, it turns out that the baby who survived the building collapse on Broadway a few days ago is the child of my roomate's sister's friend. New York is indeed a small town. Apparently, the TV stations have been hounding the family constantly ever since the collapse. While the ambulances were bringing the victims to hospital, one of the TV stations somehow managed to find...
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why are there a million reality shows? we want to watch other people fail. sometimes, we want to see them succeed. we need their moments of misery and pain. but also ones of happiness and hope. its like nobody is able to just enjoy their own lives anymore. how many tabloids are out there? how many people read them? how is it if a celebrity grabs a papparazzi's camera, he can sue the person for assault. but when the camera man puts the camera in the persons face, or hides in a bush, or chases their car using recless driving, how is that ok? cause im pretty sure if the person didnt have a camera, well, none of that is legal. the news isnt about news anymore. we dont know about anything that goes on in this world anymore because we are so busy reporting garbage entertainment here. if you watch the news in canada, its not nearly as depressing as it is here. ok, i can go about this forever but it just boils my blood. and i have to put the towels in the dryer. do you have aim? email your chat handle
hope you had a safe flight!!!
Words from the OED that everyone should know.
Secubate: (v.) to lie alone, by one's self.
Fore-buttock: (jocular) the breast (of a woman)
Secubate: (v.) to lie alone, by one's self.
Fore-buttock: (jocular) the breast (of a woman)
8:30 at night and i'm just finishing the day's work. friday's royally suck. But, all is well. i finished the draft of an article on a 1947 class, one of the first in the country on Latin American colonial art. I spent an hour copying articles for a friend to use teaching a renaissance art class in virginia. i ran around the city on errands...
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So why doesn't life come with references? You meet people - at work, on the street, in the store, in the subway - and you know nothing. You get a superficial image of appearance, but nothing deeper, no content. And what is appearance, fashion? An opaque layer covering personality, or a translucent expression of personhood? It probably depends on the person, but how can you...
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ask anyone on my list. plus, ive got an ex to back me up. oh, the reason i asked you those questions was cause i thought you were somebody i know but thank god you arent.
Sitting home watching The Young Ones. Sheer genius through anarchy. Why is it that the Brits produce such disjointed, intuitive brilliance on television? American tv has its moments too, but there really is just no comparison in terms of what is societally allowed within the public domain and at public expense. I mean, compare the BBC to PBS. BBC has what, 4 channels in Britain?...
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you're asking the wrong question for that answer. how many people live in this country? now think, how many read for fun? how many dont even know how to read? how many know whats going on in the world? how many care? how many vote? how many people in this country live their lives according to a religion as opposed to questioning what they are told? how many people can tell you who karl marx was? how about oprah? there is the answer to your question.
and no, i dont have a first name for you. and i dont know what you look like. so, again, who is up one?
and no, i dont have a first name for you. and i dont know what you look like. so, again, who is up one?