Life is good. I have not been particularly communicative in writing, at least not here. Whichever.
I am hitchhiking home this summer when my lease ends--me, the dog, one of the most awesomest boys in the world, and his rat. This will be new. I got a rucksack completely free today, too, and it's the perfect size for the things I'll need most (which includes some basic art supplies).
The dog is excellent so far in her obedience training.
The weather is fantastic.
I am going to take a set soon. I need to steal MrSmead's cage before then. My free account time expires this month.
Bills suck. But I will survive.
That boy that I done gone liked and likes me back may be coming back soon, but I will definitely see him next weekend. I am excited.
Doooooooooood. I am drunk. I'm going to bed now. I am going running with a friend at an army base tomorrow. In skirts no less. This will be fun.
Ah, the simple joys of life. If anybody's in the southern area of the states between GA and CA, and wants me to drop by (or rather, wouldnt' mind two kids, a dog and a rat stopping for a night to hang out and what not), do let me know before hand.
I am hitchhiking home this summer when my lease ends--me, the dog, one of the most awesomest boys in the world, and his rat. This will be new. I got a rucksack completely free today, too, and it's the perfect size for the things I'll need most (which includes some basic art supplies).
The dog is excellent so far in her obedience training.
The weather is fantastic.
I am going to take a set soon. I need to steal MrSmead's cage before then. My free account time expires this month.
Bills suck. But I will survive.
That boy that I done gone liked and likes me back may be coming back soon, but I will definitely see him next weekend. I am excited.
Doooooooooood. I am drunk. I'm going to bed now. I am going running with a friend at an army base tomorrow. In skirts no less. This will be fun.
Ah, the simple joys of life. If anybody's in the southern area of the states between GA and CA, and wants me to drop by (or rather, wouldnt' mind two kids, a dog and a rat stopping for a night to hang out and what not), do let me know before hand.

and please send that set in soon. i would love a new fave SG.
also: please post your hitchhiking stories, when you get a chance to. still being enslaved to school, i'll eat them up.
also: if you're not doing the writing thing here, then where are you doing it?