Jaysis. So I came over to my friends' house last night to bake together for today, doubled the molasses bread recipe to make four loaves.
I forgot to fuckin' make 'em vegan.
Not that there's anything wrong with a bit of butter, but a buncha people that're going to be at dinner tonight are, well, just not into that. So that makes six loaves of bread all together -- well, five, considering the one we practically demolished.
This weather is shitty for baking, by the way. Nothing's rising, 'cept the yeast in my bread, and even then it's sticky and heavy.
So now I sit on my ass at my friends' house while they attend their first dinner, waiting for the second rise and the baking before turkey and tofurkey time! Hope all of ya have fun.
I forgot to fuckin' make 'em vegan.
Not that there's anything wrong with a bit of butter, but a buncha people that're going to be at dinner tonight are, well, just not into that. So that makes six loaves of bread all together -- well, five, considering the one we practically demolished.
This weather is shitty for baking, by the way. Nothing's rising, 'cept the yeast in my bread, and even then it's sticky and heavy.
So now I sit on my ass at my friends' house while they attend their first dinner, waiting for the second rise and the baking before turkey and tofurkey time! Hope all of ya have fun.

It's the people, not the food, that make Thanksgiving my second-favorite holiday. (after Halloween, of course)
My cage is free for your use almost any time, just let me know. (If you can convince Sarah to let us use her truck we could take it almost anywhere and shoot a few locations.....)
If you get this today, come to the Legion.
That is all.