I'm trying to figure out whether this handbag my aunt gave me is authentic Louis Vuitton or not. Everything screams authenticity except the lack of a serial number.
Still, it's ugly to me, and even as a fake it should ring in some moola off of ebay.
I'm back. Two days, mostly spent with family, is not enough of the west coast. The ocean was only glimpsed.
Coming back too soon. I didn't see the Juliana, I didn't bring back lots of good food, and I don't mind because I will in time.
School again tomorrow. It's starting to hit crunch time. Quarter-systems can be great, but really nerve-wracking.
I'm going to play Moonlight Sonata now. It's been ages since I've had the sheet music for it.
Still, it's ugly to me, and even as a fake it should ring in some moola off of ebay.
I'm back. Two days, mostly spent with family, is not enough of the west coast. The ocean was only glimpsed.
Coming back too soon. I didn't see the Juliana, I didn't bring back lots of good food, and I don't mind because I will in time.
School again tomorrow. It's starting to hit crunch time. Quarter-systems can be great, but really nerve-wracking.
I'm going to play Moonlight Sonata now. It's been ages since I've had the sheet music for it.