This has been a pre-recorded message: ARGH. When did life get so fucking busy? Prints to make, drawings to do, pages to color, a man to love, crazy people bothering me, jobjobJOBgoddammit, drunkeness to attend to tomorrow, pictures to draw, friends going under from crazy circumstances, and I think someone actually was playing with their naughty bits while talking to me on IM a while ago...GOOD GOD.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Profuse apologies in advance to those who are in the Hopefuls group. Free temporary tattoos=five minutes of FUNfunFUN.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Profuse apologies in advance to those who are in the Hopefuls group. Free temporary tattoos=five minutes of FUNfunFUN.
Hi... *still loves ED*
I wish I would of gotten an arts degree wait a second I did just not the creative kind