i love everyone i work with, but i hate working. five am isnt when you get up and go to work, it's whne your supposed to finally go to bed.
whos seeing deathcab tonight? i am. even if i have to go by myself.
so im trying desperately to not get woken up by the sun every day. thus far it isnt working.
yeah that is a tuffy....I mean the sun is much bigger than you remember. wink
i feel utterly alone right now. every last one of my new friends is now on a no list because their loyalties still lie with my ex and now he doesnt want anything to do with me apparently, so i assume neither do they. all my old friends wont return my calls. i need to find some new friends that wont ditch out on me...
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so yeah. I quit jimmy johns last night. it was just more than i could handle right now. at least I have more time to devote to barista training now. but i also have more time to be lonely.
What's barista surreal ???????????
you're very welcome. hope you feel better.
I need to not have two jobs. But I also need lots of money. Fuck.
ok seriously. why is it that whenever i find a contradiction it doesn't even matter. it never changes anything. why can't i get myself to just face reality and stop anyalyzing and trying to understand this? ther is nothing understandable about it so why do i even try?
do not under any circumstances read old love letters before you go to bed unless you are : a) prepared to feel awful or b) actually over the person who wrote it and just remeniscing.
I need to get a better grip on things or I'l never be happy.
If you can't resist the urge to read them, you're not over the person yet! Run! Run away!

Human language is such a weak-arse tool for fleshing out topics like this. So uh... be true to your feelings etc.

Or, on a more serious note... fuck it. You'll feel the way you feel... and eventually get better. You might be different, but you probably won't notice because you'll be too busy doing stuff and not feeling like shit all the time. Trust me... it will eventually happen. Serious.