do brahs look at suicide girls???

this is a debate i am in. thoughts?
After being here for two years I finally feel like i'm realy moved into my apartment. It finally looks like I live here and don't just sleep here. I'm pretty satisfied.
It's pride week in San Francisco and yesterday I saw two awesomely hot girls on a bike dressed like pirates. Hopefully pictures to come. I need more friends in Cali so I have someone to hang out with when i'm here. I think I'll go wander the parades by myself...
I'm in Arizona, is that close enough.
I wish I coulda went.
whoa , crazy new layout. I like it but it'll take some gtetting used to. in other news i got a dollar fifty raise at work and i didn't even have to take my clothes off. hows that for being industrious. i should really update my profile picture seeing as how my haircut and piercings are so different now, but i'm afraid i'm very lazy.
Whoa! Crazy new glasses but, I still wanna make out with you.
school is in the home stretch and i'm definitely feeling the pressure. this sucks but at least i'll get like a month or so off before i have to go back.

je desteste mon cours de francais parce que, por moi, c'est tres difficille!
Hey! I hope you get accepted to SG! I sent in my set and now I jsut sit and wait... We can be the next wisconsin girls!! Let me know. We could do a set together. love
I'm so close to dohne with the semester and yet so far. Someone should buy me a mac book pro.....or help me steal one.

In other news this weekend was awesome:
Gallery night+dinner at Sauce+jewelry=Awesome.
aaah the mac book pro. If I'm ever done with school I'm buying myself one ....
no news as to sg or not as of yet.

in the mean time i am amusing myself by keeping track of everything i eat for the week so i can get some extra credit in my bio class. apparently i dont eat much but i eat total crap. c'est la vie.
Good luck anyways!!! Hope you make it. I've been sayin that Milwaukee needs an S.G. for a long time. I almost urrrr....am kinda in the process of taking pictures of a friend of mine who wants to be one. But our schedules are so crazy, it's next to impossible to get together. Oh well, we'll see. wink kiss
Hey Sharon. I bit the bullet and joined . . . I had to, you know? So . . . hey . . . How's it goin?