Hello? Is this thing on? Suprise, surprise but The Hubb is alive. I'd venture to wonder if anyone remembers little ole me as believe it or not I'm back. It doesn't feel like it's that long but somehow 3 years have managed to pass.
Where oh where does the time go?
More info to come as my profile will need a bit of updating - most notably I traded in the Colorado Rocky Mountains for a new adventure in the Great Pacific Northwest.
I havn't forgotten old Mr. Homer S.
"We're goin' bowling. If we don't come back, avenge our deaths!" (Homer S)
"Are you sure you're an accredited and bonded pornographer?" (Homer S)

More info to come as my profile will need a bit of updating - most notably I traded in the Colorado Rocky Mountains for a new adventure in the Great Pacific Northwest.
I havn't forgotten old Mr. Homer S.
"We're goin' bowling. If we don't come back, avenge our deaths!" (Homer S)
"Are you sure you're an accredited and bonded pornographer?" (Homer S)
How far is Everett from Seattle?