Okay so its been a while since I posted anything up here but its been rough for me lately so I wasnt much in the vent to the web kind of mood. I will just hit on a few of the major events for those random people who might exist that maybe are interested in knowing a little about my life. Oh and this will not be in chronological order. Just a heads up because there are certian things that are more important than others on my mind.
Now obviously joining the Marine Corps during a time of war I expected to be encountered by the possibliltity of losing life or limb for myself or my brothers in arms. However when it happens it still sucks an indescribable amount. On Aug. 7th 2010 I lost a very good friend and mentor who was serving in Afghanistan. He was a K9 handler like myself, he is the 3rd Marine handler to die since the Vietnam War. He was truly an amazing guy and he is going to be missed by a lot people. I'm going to leave it at that because its just hard to talk about.
RIP Max I will miss you.
So I guess I could talk about how crazy my job has become since I pretty much run the kennels now here in Hawaii. For the past couple of months I've been working with the broken machine that is this K-9 program which my predecessors so kindly left me. What surprised my Marines who use to despise me is how well I stepped up to the responsibility. I bust my ass and things are improving administratively and morale wise as well as training wise. I guss I'm doing stuff right which is deeply satifying but also draining at the same time.
I'm not sure if I mentioned this yet but I added some piercings to my list of body modifications. So now in total I have five piercings; my septum, nipples, tongue, and yes I have a prince albert. So yeah now I just have to bide my time in the Corps then when im out welcome back ear piercings. Im planing on getting a new tattoo as well once I save the money. Its going to be in memory of my fallen friend and I'm think it will be a dog paw on my rib cage. The paw will have the Jack Daniels logo filling it and under the paw will be his name and birthday to date of decease. Then under that a quote he had for when we did shots of jack straight from the bottle, "Straight from the rattle snakes ass!" I freakin loved that saying.
Looking ahead to the future I've decided that its time for me to move on from Hawaii. I need to get to the real Corps and do what I had intended by joining(Slaying bodies and saving Marines). So when the monitor comes I will request orders to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I'm going to miss there next pump because there leaving in November but come the next one I dont care if I have to extend my contract I'm going. So hopefully everything goes as planned and I can get out of the Corps with a combat deployment under my belt.
Well thats all I got for now it feels good to dump some of that on here
Now obviously joining the Marine Corps during a time of war I expected to be encountered by the possibliltity of losing life or limb for myself or my brothers in arms. However when it happens it still sucks an indescribable amount. On Aug. 7th 2010 I lost a very good friend and mentor who was serving in Afghanistan. He was a K9 handler like myself, he is the 3rd Marine handler to die since the Vietnam War. He was truly an amazing guy and he is going to be missed by a lot people. I'm going to leave it at that because its just hard to talk about.

RIP Max I will miss you.
So I guess I could talk about how crazy my job has become since I pretty much run the kennels now here in Hawaii. For the past couple of months I've been working with the broken machine that is this K-9 program which my predecessors so kindly left me. What surprised my Marines who use to despise me is how well I stepped up to the responsibility. I bust my ass and things are improving administratively and morale wise as well as training wise. I guss I'm doing stuff right which is deeply satifying but also draining at the same time.
I'm not sure if I mentioned this yet but I added some piercings to my list of body modifications. So now in total I have five piercings; my septum, nipples, tongue, and yes I have a prince albert. So yeah now I just have to bide my time in the Corps then when im out welcome back ear piercings. Im planing on getting a new tattoo as well once I save the money. Its going to be in memory of my fallen friend and I'm think it will be a dog paw on my rib cage. The paw will have the Jack Daniels logo filling it and under the paw will be his name and birthday to date of decease. Then under that a quote he had for when we did shots of jack straight from the bottle, "Straight from the rattle snakes ass!" I freakin loved that saying.
Looking ahead to the future I've decided that its time for me to move on from Hawaii. I need to get to the real Corps and do what I had intended by joining(Slaying bodies and saving Marines). So when the monitor comes I will request orders to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I'm going to miss there next pump because there leaving in November but come the next one I dont care if I have to extend my contract I'm going. So hopefully everything goes as planned and I can get out of the Corps with a combat deployment under my belt.
Well thats all I got for now it feels good to dump some of that on here