It appears fate has other plans for me then planning a vacation for myself in April. I was informed today that my uncle will no longer be treated for his cancer. He has 2 month left to live and wants to see me before he passes. So now that April vacation has become a March trip to fullfill the wish of a dieing man. I have to admit I kind of dont want to go and its not because I dont like the guy. Its because I'm not sure what your suppose to say to a person whose dieing. Is it rude to talk to them like there not dieing? I dont want to come off as insesitive or uncaring.
I guess the best I could hope for is that it doesnt get all awkward and emotional I hate people getting emotional over death. Its sad but it is the inevitable outcome to all life.
I guess the best I could hope for is that it doesnt get all awkward and emotional I hate people getting emotional over death. Its sad but it is the inevitable outcome to all life.
Thank you I appreciate the condolences. I also want to offer up my own in regards to your uncle. I hope your visit goes well with your family I'm sure its gonna be a tough visit.
Well thanks.
I did have a nice, fun time.