Hey, I'm not depressed any more. Just confused, but that's just part and parcel to my existence. You girls confuse me. Not just the SG's, but girls in general. I don't get you. Some I do, not that it helps me at all. I don't know if I want a serious relationship at this point in time (probably not), but something would be nice. I'm stuck in limbo where I don't know if I should make a serious move towards one of a couple of girls I know. Part one is deciding if I want that, part two is deciding who to move towards. Part three is to stop being such a flirtatious manwhore. Maybe.
Work doesn't suck as much as usual, I'm happy to note. Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything. I'll still be the happiest motherfucker this side of the Pacific when I get off this job, but days where I don't want to beat a coworker with one of their severed limbs are nice. They're often in depressingly short supply.
My car works. I'm gonna pick it up tomorrow. That means I might be able to make Warped after all. That'll kick some ass. I really want to see Finch. A friend of mine told me to listen to them right before I got off school; I did, and I think they're great. I've seen several of those bands before, but it'll be good to see them again, too, especially Alkaline Trio, if they're playing Minnesota.
Well, enough of my disjointed whining and rambling, time for this bunny to find his warren and get some shuteye. Don't stop living in the red, ya bunch of miscreants.
Work doesn't suck as much as usual, I'm happy to note. Not that I want to pick out curtains or anything. I'll still be the happiest motherfucker this side of the Pacific when I get off this job, but days where I don't want to beat a coworker with one of their severed limbs are nice. They're often in depressingly short supply.
My car works. I'm gonna pick it up tomorrow. That means I might be able to make Warped after all. That'll kick some ass. I really want to see Finch. A friend of mine told me to listen to them right before I got off school; I did, and I think they're great. I've seen several of those bands before, but it'll be good to see them again, too, especially Alkaline Trio, if they're playing Minnesota.
Well, enough of my disjointed whining and rambling, time for this bunny to find his warren and get some shuteye. Don't stop living in the red, ya bunch of miscreants.

my friends over you