Okay, here comes #2 for all you avid readers out there... (heh, I'm surprised someone responded to my first one). I'm sitting around in my boxers and checking out Le's beautiful set tonight, having gotten off work a few hours ago and thrown my nasty self through the shower. I have many reasons to not like this job, not the least of which is that half my face is "sun" burnt from the damn welders who are going about their merry little business about two feet behind me. It blew my mind the first time it happened; now, it just pisses me off. Being forced to listen to country for eight hours straight is a downer, too. Maybe in a future journal I'll indulge myself and go off on a rant about rednecks (oh, can I rant about rednecks), but now I need some sleep so I can finish off a movie in the morning and get it back to Blockbuster before they rape me on late fees again. I hate having to wait until the weekend to really live. Okay, nighty night, poets, partyrockers and pornographers, all.