over 10 years ago i tore my ACL and did the whole surgery thing where i have 2 titanium screws in my leg. when seasons change or its about to rain or we get a cold front here in san diego my knee acts up. it sucks cause it feels like my knee is in a vice. its painful which i can deal with, im practically numb to the pain having dealt with it so long but its just annoying discomfort.
oh well other than tonight on my friends twitch.tv show i won a copy of bastion. hopefully i can download it tomorrow and get some playing in! im turning into a better gamer lol
oh yeah i forgot that i won tickets to the taping of the Conan show this coming tuesday!!! so ill be driving up with some homies and we'll see what kinda stuff we can get into. alright thats enough rambling...
Goodnight SG!