so damn broke right now it sucks on top of that i think imma be fired from my job because ive been out since feb 4 cause of ptsd and asd. the fucked up part is that the insurance company that my company goes thru only approved me from mar 4 - april 23 and not from feb to april cause i didnt have any medical records from that time. i dunno what imma do right now. i know i didnt have records from that first month i was out cause i couldnt work up the nerve to see a shrink but when i did the shrink said i took some needed time off and that she would vouch for me the first month i took off. but not even that worked cause my jobs insurance company didnt get any records prior to march 4th from her...FUCK!!!!... whatever they are the ones who sent me home to get help and i did and if they wanna fire me for that ill just collect unemployment off them and go back to school. damn felt good to vent...
on a brighter note going to cali on friday for a road trip with my family....
feeling like this right now