So I might be getting a cell phone....that , or I was just phone scammed. Either way , they arn't escaping with much as Ive made the bank aware of me not expecting purchases and was informed that my limit is almost reached and will only be able to get away with 10$ at most
Im being an optimist though , if this works , I get a good deal. Hoorah. No more credit card/pay phone combo's.
Still paranoid though. O well , thats life.
Oh yeah , was thinking of going home for christmas , and how cool it would be to take the train. It only goes as far as edmonton , but thats cool. Ill get picked up there. HAHAHA...right. Anywho , so i went and looked at the prices ,and they were shit. Its more then the plane , the seats are the same , not as crammed , but that dont matter. I know its suppose to be for scenery , but if I cant be comfortable , whats the point ? If i wanted a better accomadation , the price jumped to almost a 1000$.
O well , if i go , im going straight to the fort. If I go. Might end up going to Ontario, and that would be cool too.
One hour left until i get greyed out. ::sigh:: dont cry though...i will be back.
12:01 AM , not canceled yet....hmmm.
So I might be getting a cell phone....that , or I was just phone scammed. Either way , they arn't escaping with much as Ive made the bank aware of me not expecting purchases and was informed that my limit is almost reached and will only be able to get away with 10$ at most

Im being an optimist though , if this works , I get a good deal. Hoorah. No more credit card/pay phone combo's.
Still paranoid though. O well , thats life.

Oh yeah , was thinking of going home for christmas , and how cool it would be to take the train. It only goes as far as edmonton , but thats cool. Ill get picked up there. HAHAHA...right. Anywho , so i went and looked at the prices ,and they were shit. Its more then the plane , the seats are the same , not as crammed , but that dont matter. I know its suppose to be for scenery , but if I cant be comfortable , whats the point ? If i wanted a better accomadation , the price jumped to almost a 1000$.
O well , if i go , im going straight to the fort. If I go. Might end up going to Ontario, and that would be cool too.
One hour left until i get greyed out. ::sigh:: dont cry though...i will be back.
12:01 AM , not canceled yet....hmmm.
And yes... STILL HERE!

Good to see you're finally back.