Oi , Late night Update. Well , not so late , but later then usual update.
So yesterday was kinda sad , not really sad as in something bad happened , but sad in the fact the these are the following movies i spend all day watching.
Rocky 1-5 , Rambo , Bloodsport.
Thats a good 9-10 hours of stallone , OMG did it hurt after. It was like a really bad burn or something , it just stung. I think some of the dumb wore off on me too because a friend had made a few jokes and I didnt get ANY of them.
Today though was much better. Went downtown and had a bit of a trip , its been a while since ive left my suburban environment for the hustle and bustle of downtown van. Came back grabbed a bite , and got a call to go out for supper. So me and a few friends decided to head down to coquitlam to get some foreign cuisine. Last time we had some Korean BBQ and it was damn sweet. This time though , we went farther and ended up in New West , Its a nice neighborhood , really old buildings , lots of crime though sorry to say. Maybe it was just that night , maybe not , either way , lost my vote.
It was after 10 by the time we got back to the Korean BBQ and they were closed , needless to say , we were all kinda upset. We ended up at Boston Pizza because it was the only thing open in out area (sad to say) but it wasnt all bad. Spent money I dont have , went even more in debt. It was worth it though , I really needed to get out. Sad to say though , I wont be able to go to the Burlesque , damn , but , perhaps another time , perhaps another place.
Thats the sum of what been happening , enjoy life , I have been.
So yesterday was kinda sad , not really sad as in something bad happened , but sad in the fact the these are the following movies i spend all day watching.
Rocky 1-5 , Rambo , Bloodsport.
Thats a good 9-10 hours of stallone , OMG did it hurt after. It was like a really bad burn or something , it just stung. I think some of the dumb wore off on me too because a friend had made a few jokes and I didnt get ANY of them.
Today though was much better. Went downtown and had a bit of a trip , its been a while since ive left my suburban environment for the hustle and bustle of downtown van. Came back grabbed a bite , and got a call to go out for supper. So me and a few friends decided to head down to coquitlam to get some foreign cuisine. Last time we had some Korean BBQ and it was damn sweet. This time though , we went farther and ended up in New West , Its a nice neighborhood , really old buildings , lots of crime though sorry to say. Maybe it was just that night , maybe not , either way , lost my vote.
It was after 10 by the time we got back to the Korean BBQ and they were closed , needless to say , we were all kinda upset. We ended up at Boston Pizza because it was the only thing open in out area (sad to say) but it wasnt all bad. Spent money I dont have , went even more in debt. It was worth it though , I really needed to get out. Sad to say though , I wont be able to go to the Burlesque , damn , but , perhaps another time , perhaps another place.
Thats the sum of what been happening , enjoy life , I have been.
No...not Jesus , im the mesiah though , I will lead us all on the path...where it takes us , I cannot tell. Ill give you a hint though , it doesnt smell like pee ! Shhhhh !

I think you may be more out of your mind than I am. And that's pretty damn impressive.