Another sunny morning in vancouver. Well , more like cloudy , but the light is blinding me none the less. No matter , gonna be spending the day inside. Kinda boring , its all ive been doing latelly , but o well , i'll miss it when I get a job , so ill enjoy it damnit.
So after watching the Goonies , The Exorcist , and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pt.1 , ive decided to download all of Rocky , thats one through five baby.
" ADRIENNE !!!! "
Its gonna be great when its finished , all 5 are in one big clump so i cant watch one until all are done downloading. I think that just adds to the suspense of such a great series. Admit it , you love it, you might say you dont...but you do...I know the truth.
Edited for my shit spelling , its still probably shit , but i dont care anymore.
Another sunny morning in vancouver. Well , more like cloudy , but the light is blinding me none the less. No matter , gonna be spending the day inside. Kinda boring , its all ive been doing latelly , but o well , i'll miss it when I get a job , so ill enjoy it damnit.
So after watching the Goonies , The Exorcist , and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pt.1 , ive decided to download all of Rocky , thats one through five baby.
" ADRIENNE !!!! "
Its gonna be great when its finished , all 5 are in one big clump so i cant watch one until all are done downloading. I think that just adds to the suspense of such a great series. Admit it , you love it, you might say you dont...but you do...I know the truth.

Edited for my shit spelling , its still probably shit , but i dont care anymore.
Ha...I live right by those stairs he jogs up in the first ROCKY......just a quick little note to say thank you for the kind birthday wishes.......long days and pleasent nights say to you friend...