The shards of a shattered heart seem to sting a little more when your dream lies broken, unrealized, at your feet, on the floor.

Love is my Religion

I meditate daily. Mercy, acceptance and understanding are my mantras. Harmony is my goal. Love is my religion. My personal philosophy is an amalgamation of bits and pieces from here and there. With Southern Baptist roots and a Zen Buddhist core. I dont believe that there is only one path to salvation or becoming one with God. When I refer to...
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Using the existential philosophies of J.P. Sartre, M. Heidegger, and G. Marcel, within an atheistic framework, I posit that mans underlying reason for continuing existence in the face of certain oblivion, is love. I have researched and analyzed many of the existential philosophies, and chose to place them in an atheistic framework because metaphysical ideas, like God, can neither be proven or disproven. The...
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i was let go because of my sunny disposition. robot