Well, first things first, more photos of my gorgeous royal Princess Tibbs! :)
Shes gotta be the most gorgeous thing to walk the planet. At least in my eyes she is. I think i need to start recording more videos of her so you guys can see what it is i mean. But she is so funny! She has the cutest personality, shes sneaky and mischievous and when she knows shes doing something naughty she'll wag her little tail! She follows me all over the house trying to get my attention, and if i dont notice her she'll tug on the bottom of my pants or try to stand on my foot. When she gets upset tho she acts just like a puppy and she'll go and try to rip up my socks, or drag them under the bed to her secret lair where she plots things... lol BUUUUT, shes the most amazing snuggler, you wouldnt think so, cuz shes a tortoise, but she is. She'll come next to you and rest her little head on you with her arm over so you can't leave her. Its really the most adorable thing in the universe. Sometimes she gets scared and shell try to hide her head in ur hand, or crawl into ur lap, and sometimes she gets playful and pulls on shoe laces or the corners of the blankets hanging off the bed. Shes really the most important thing in my life. And no matter how hard things can get sometimes, i always feel better with her in my arms <3
And nowwww, advice time. Hm, i didn't really think of it till now, but maybe its better i don't put too much thought behind it. My best advice for anyone would be, live the life that makes you happy. I'm not talking about anything extreme, just... life is to short too be living in regret of chances that were never taken, or goals that were never reached... simple things you know. like, that trip to Italy you've always wanted, or that art class you wanted to take but thought it was silly and impractical. Sure sometimes its hard, but nothing worth having ever comes easy. And wouldn't it be terrible to be in your last days and just be thinking about all the things you never got to do, or say... I'm not encouraging irrational impulsive behavior. I'm only saying don't miss out on opportunities. "Seize the day", often times that's mistranslated to the common term "YOLO", but thats not what it means at all. The more accurate meaning is do what you can today for a better tomorrow.
Some more good advice:
-“Even if you feel hatred, keep it to yourself. Don’t hurt other people for any reason.”
-"Travel while you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.”
-"For the most part, what others think doesn't matter."
-"Take care of your teeth."
-"Never give up."
Hope you enjoyed my little blog of cuteness and wisdom :)
Anyways, this is Ecco,
-Signing off