I keep kicking my shin against the metal rail on my desk - if only to remind me that I am alive and not some mechanized part of this sprawling digital infrastructure that owns my daily existence...
Some day man will rule machine - until then, we are slaves to our own creations - and I have a job because of it.. oh the irony of it all.
Side note:
Is anyone elses Libido on overdrive? Or am I fast becomming a nymph...
... could be worse I suppose - I could be a dendrophiliac
Some day man will rule machine - until then, we are slaves to our own creations - and I have a job because of it.. oh the irony of it all.
Side note:
Is anyone elses Libido on overdrive? Or am I fast becomming a nymph...
... could be worse I suppose - I could be a dendrophiliac
I've been speaking to Kelly via AIM just as I spotted that.
you could be a tree fucker!
fucking hippies