Watching "Curiosa" Lou Jenet's film about Marie de Régnier's relationship with Pierre Louÿs based on real events, i was fascinated, by the film, daring, so free, on the one hand with a classic cut on the other, breaking those schemes for his undoubted commitment to eroticism rampant, fresh. And in general by this history circumscribed to the French Belle Epoque, in 1895 and 1896 in which this woman reveals herself to her role of selfless woman tied to a forced and unhappy marriage through her relationship with her lover erotoman photographer. And since from the nude together with his sexual awakening she ends up being the most modern, leaving aside the French conservatism of his time. Later she would be a notable writer but the film focuses on that moment in which she takes the reins of her life, her body and her desire and becomes the one who controls her sexuality and is powerful, far above whose one would you think has the control button with the camera.Who controls the shot, she or him?. From the apparent fragility of the naked body she becomes the strongest. It reminded me in part of this community, where one can think that the models are on a more vulnerable level because of their nakedness, but deep down they have all the power and capture the greatest freedom from their body and their femininity in front of those who observe them.
Rappelez-vous qu'un soir nous vécûmes ensemble
L'heure unique où les dieux accordent, un instant,
À la tête qui penche, à l'épaule qui tremble,
L'esprit pur de la vie en fuite avec le temps.
Rappelez-vous qu'un soir, couchés sur notre couche
En caressant nos doigts frémissants de s'unir,
Nous avons échangé de la bouche à la bouche
La perle impérissable où dort le Souvenir.
poème L’Apogée -