I had an incredible experience a few weeks ago.. I was on a flight back from California for a business trip. Now, typically I hate flying, but it was only a 45 minute flight into Pomona... In any case. We rose through the clouds shortly after takeoff and I found myself gazing out the window at one of the most beautiful spectacles I've ever seen. The sun was setting in the west and I could barely see its outline in the corner of the window, it was throwing a bright orange/yellow light on the clouds below. This in itself would be normal enough, but the more I stared the more beautiful it became. I noted the clouds were endless in all visible directions, and perfect in their consistency. They reflected the light of the sun with such indescribable grace. The ground was but a distant memory. It was at this time the song "Bittersweet Symphony" began playing in my mind. A mild euphoira swept over me.. Im falling.. Out of reality and loving every second of it. The sound of the music drowned out all of my surroundings, I was enveloped by it. The clarity carried me into the clouds that were dancing all around me. The clouds broke and I found myself looking over the mountainous desert. And I felt such an outpouring of joy at the beauty I was beholding. Words can never describe exactly how I felt.. But I felt like a child with all the wisdom the world can give, looking at the earth from an elevated perspective for the first time.
It sounds like you have awoken and are remembering where you came from and where you belong. You know in your heart and now you must know in your mind. It's a truly beautiful experience, waking up. More beauty and clarity is yet to come. It's utterly (udderly hehe) amazing... and no words can possibly explain it.