From Health Impact News:
"On May 10, 2011 a federal judge ruled that the Veterans Administrations mental health care system was incompetent and ordered a complete overhaul. It was revealed that 18 veterans a day were committing suicide. The number of soldiers and veterans committing suicide now far exceeds the number of deaths due to combat. The U.S. District Court ruled that Veterans Administration was violating veterans constitutional rights by denying them guaranteed health care and benefits."
Read the article through the link below. It talks about turning war veterans to farming as therapy instead of prescribing powerful & dangerous prescription drugs.
"On May 10, 2011 a federal judge ruled that the Veterans Administrations mental health care system was incompetent and ordered a complete overhaul. It was revealed that 18 veterans a day were committing suicide. The number of soldiers and veterans committing suicide now far exceeds the number of deaths due to combat. The U.S. District Court ruled that Veterans Administration was violating veterans constitutional rights by denying them guaranteed health care and benefits."
Read the article through the link below. It talks about turning war veterans to farming as therapy instead of prescribing powerful & dangerous prescription drugs.