death came to hunt me down again. i feel like crap. so i have this ear infection...i went to the doctor...i guess my doctor hasn't seen napoleon dynamite...cuz i said "my ear hurts real bad" and i used the napoleon voice...and she didn't laugh at all. i want to smoke real bad...however, i think i won't be able to breathe at all if i do. i'm a mouth breather right now. i know, it's hideous. but it's hard to breathe, even through my mouth because my tonsils have swollen, i bet they could fill B cups. despite my health, i went to work today. i took some sudafed daytime cold and flu. needless to is a haze to me now. those daytime cold medicines make me trippy, they make me forget what i did two minutes before. why do people even buy ecstacy? take a package of sudafed. it's cheaper.
anyhoo. when i got to work this morning...people were asking to see my arm...because they knew that i had it further updated over the i showed people. keep in motherfucking krissy taesch told me it was peeling abnormally and that something was wrong with it. tomorrow night i have another appointment. maybe we'll rant together.
why am i always hungry for taco bell?
so, i was at my dad's house sunday-tuesday...on account of my being dad claimed that i would get a chill, so he handed me a pair or long underwear...they were in his size...his legs are slighly more chickeny than mine, and he has small shoulders that i do. so i put them on. and the pants are tight and tapered at the ankles...and the shirt is tight and tapered at the neck and wrists. after putting on my dad's long underwear my feet were cold. so i donned some socks, and then my shoes. man, i was not picking up the hotties.
so about that taco bell craving....
anyhoo. when i got to work this morning...people were asking to see my arm...because they knew that i had it further updated over the i showed people. keep in motherfucking krissy taesch told me it was peeling abnormally and that something was wrong with it. tomorrow night i have another appointment. maybe we'll rant together.
why am i always hungry for taco bell?
so, i was at my dad's house sunday-tuesday...on account of my being dad claimed that i would get a chill, so he handed me a pair or long underwear...they were in his size...his legs are slighly more chickeny than mine, and he has small shoulders that i do. so i put them on. and the pants are tight and tapered at the ankles...and the shirt is tight and tapered at the neck and wrists. after putting on my dad's long underwear my feet were cold. so i donned some socks, and then my shoes. man, i was not picking up the hotties.
so about that taco bell craving....
Awww, I don't want to watch you cry.