OK, so i am breathing normal again and thought I would write.
I am kinda past missing sex, well not really, but saying that keeps me sane. What I really miss is having a person fall asleep with their head on my lap watching a movie.
Someone comfortable enough to sit in silence with me.
To be able to gently touch someone's back for hours without it being sexual.
A long slow wet kiss.
I miss good conversation.
Last week I had to stay up for work and couldn't go to sleep so someone invited me over to watch a movie and I just sat on the couch with her in her pajamas asleep against me. I gently stroke her back as she slept. So peaceful. I swear it took almost 50% of the tension and stress in my life away. But nothing has happened since. Damn.
I had a great dinner date with someone. Great conversation, so much in common, beautiful woman, etc. Night ended horribly once dinner was over. Sucky thing number 2.
I keep getting teased with all this good. But it is like getting a homemade chocolate cake and smelling it and then getting it taken away.
And this is the end of the Ian whine section.
I am kinda past missing sex, well not really, but saying that keeps me sane. What I really miss is having a person fall asleep with their head on my lap watching a movie.
Someone comfortable enough to sit in silence with me.
To be able to gently touch someone's back for hours without it being sexual.
A long slow wet kiss.
I miss good conversation.
Last week I had to stay up for work and couldn't go to sleep so someone invited me over to watch a movie and I just sat on the couch with her in her pajamas asleep against me. I gently stroke her back as she slept. So peaceful. I swear it took almost 50% of the tension and stress in my life away. But nothing has happened since. Damn.
I had a great dinner date with someone. Great conversation, so much in common, beautiful woman, etc. Night ended horribly once dinner was over. Sucky thing number 2.
I keep getting teased with all this good. But it is like getting a homemade chocolate cake and smelling it and then getting it taken away.
And this is the end of the Ian whine section.
But only in the best possible sense...