u know what the most scary thing is, he said, a person thats in a constant state of boredom. he said he's been like that for awhile. he said he thinks something's not right when, Ba-nai asked him about, gas bomb, or however u say that crap, he described how to make it in precise details. maybe he reads too much. i mean there's nothing wrong with. knowing how to make bombs.... he said if he weren't in Taiwan he'd probably become a serial killer. i think he's just bullshitting tho. i said u want to kill people? he said no... i said why not. he said whats the point? i said well u want to kill urself? (dumb question) he pffed and said whats the point of that also? he said its like a blindspot. like those ghosts from pirates of the caribbean. u don't taste food they just. drop on the floor... and he said he really dispised me when i cried at 681 that day. (i never knew cuz actually he was the one acting most concerned) he was like. how can i do that. i guess he just hasn't cried for too long. maybe its like if u've been constipated for too long and u see people shit. u envy them...? anywayz. he says don't think too much of what he says he's just bullshitting. and that he'll continue to "bear"... i'm like. man... its not healthy man... he's like. u think too much........ i mean. i would've never thought! he seems. really normal...
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PSS - Back from France already??!
[Edited on Nov 17, 2003 10:59PM]