Dan <3 You're the best haha. Since my (boyfriend but might not be?) left I've been inseperable from Dan. And Alex,and Devin Lol. Had a photoshoot yesturday. I feel fucking awesome about it
& Yes,Amor,I'm still very bitter about you packing your shit and leaving me. Cunt.
Dan: I really think we need to get a Chamelon. (yes,it's going to be named Jenkins...And yes I will say it in that annoying fucking voice)
Lol, fucking blogs man.
Also: fucking love this song <3

& Yes,Amor,I'm still very bitter about you packing your shit and leaving me. Cunt.
Dan: I really think we need to get a Chamelon. (yes,it's going to be named Jenkins...And yes I will say it in that annoying fucking voice)
Lol, fucking blogs man.
Also: fucking love this song <3