Hardest Thing Ever,saying goodbye. Though it wasnt goodbye so much as see ya later. Either or still hurts.
Watching mi amor walk away on his grand adventure has indeed broken me. But here soon I too shall adventure. To New Mexico,Arizona,California< and Seattle. I'm scared,backpacking/hitchhiking. But i still have always wanted this.
Caution to my fellow girls, dont fall inlove with a wandering soul, you wont be happy unlesss you're content giving up everything.
Watching mi amor walk away on his grand adventure has indeed broken me. But here soon I too shall adventure. To New Mexico,Arizona,California< and Seattle. I'm scared,backpacking/hitchhiking. But i still have always wanted this.
Caution to my fellow girls, dont fall inlove with a wandering soul, you wont be happy unlesss you're content giving up everything.
Thank you 

Aw thanks, thats so nice of you. i will be living in the mountains in estes park for a few months, and then im thinking fort collins? I am not really sure yet but I want to stay in that area i'm pretty sure. I dont know anyone there so if you want to go out adn have a drink sometime I will be all about it.