so i'm about to head out on a road trip. goin down to sacramento for a day, then halfway across the country to warrensburg, mo for my ten year reunion, then up to bellevue, ne to see my ma n pa for a sec, then up and over to gettysburg, sd to go golfing with my 95 year old grandpa, who still golfs everyday there isn't snow on the ground and consistently scores under par, he's gonna kick my ass, THEN i head home. gonna be cutting it close on time, but who cares, i haven't taken a day off in forever. this is my time...."this is our time, it's our time down here!" sorry, goonies flashback.
anyway, not that i'm mr. consistent with my journal entries or that anyone is waiting impatiently for my next drop of o'de seth extract, but it might be up to a week and a half before anyone hears from me. so take care everyone, i'll wave to ya while i'm out on the easyroad. hahahaha ohhhhh i am sooo damn cheesey
anyway, not that i'm mr. consistent with my journal entries or that anyone is waiting impatiently for my next drop of o'de seth extract, but it might be up to a week and a half before anyone hears from me. so take care everyone, i'll wave to ya while i'm out on the easyroad. hahahaha ohhhhh i am sooo damn cheesey
jesus christ travel much.
i hope you have a good trip

Hey, i just set up an appointment to have you tattoo me in August! I'm very excited!