my kitten, monkey, got out last night. normally, i'm all about letting cats go in or outside whenever they feel the need, however, monkey's a special case.
when my monkers could still fit in the palm of my hand (about 6 months ago) she took a bit of a spill. my best guess is that she was climbing around where she shouldn't have been and tried to walk on top of my slippery, rounded printer. from there she fell about four feet, which normally wouldn't have been too much of a problem for most evil little kittens like monkey, but for some reason, monkey must have forgotten to do that whole landing on your feet gig, or maybe she was trying to do the old coney island thing where they jump from way up there into a tiny cup er whatever cuz she nose dived into her ceramic water dish. this almost ended it for her, she was having siezures multiple times a day, couldn't get her to eat or drink, but she got better. it was slow at first but soon she could stand up again and then get a few steps in before losing her balance or footing. one day i was watching her try to get out of her litter box and she was climbing into the wall, and so i realized she had lost her ability to see. she adapted quickly, though and would walk the perimeter of the rooms with her whiskers touching the walls and once she got her bearings straight, she was the usual hellion i loved only now she'd miscalculate and run head first into the couch or coffee table. much to my surprise, she's actually regained a bit of her sight over the past couple months, now she can see about two feet in front of her, but beyond that it's just light sensitivity.
anyway, i changed the front door lock last night and apparently didn't get the damn door shut all the way, cuz when i came back downstairs an hour later, the front door was wide fuckin open. i ended up searching for about an hour by truck and foot, finally saw her down at the south end of my block which is blocked off with two of those big friggen "road closed" sign-thingys so no one can drive back there. i ran down there then started creeping trying not to scare her but she ran a littlexxxxs when she heard me coming. thought i lost her in the bushes next to the sidewalk cuz when i saw her i took off and i left the flashlight on the porch like a dipshit. then i heard a cat doin the growly hiss thing (i have honestly NEVER heard monkey do that before) and i saw a cat shape in the middle of the road. got a little closer and called to her and she let out the most pitiful whimpering meow, followed by the guttural growly hissy thing. i'm pretty sure that (a she was quite scared, confused and freaked out (b it was dark and her eyesight is so jacked all she knew was there was a set of unknown feet in front of her in an unknown environment and i found out once we got home that (c she had gotten into a scuffle with something else, so she was a bit wired, shook up, and scatterbrained as are most people after their first fight. so i knew that she was gonna either run or attack whatever came near her. i got up to where i was within grabing distance and she did a little[ "i wanna bolt but i can't see where the fuck i'd be bolting to, aw shit not that way, maybe this..., no not that way, fuck it... attack!" she then demonstrated her prowess in the ancient technique of blind kitty whirlwind style, specifically, the 21 fatal slices of the sacred kitten paws, and unleashed them upon my feet and left hand as i reached for her. i was able to get through the fury and take her by the scruff, only because my shaolin-tattoo meditation skills are almost as good as my bowstaff skills. i lifted her to my right arm where i cradled her till we got home. it took a couple minutes for her to settle down, but she climbed into my lap and began to purr. i found some gooey stuff on her hind leg and then some scabbing on her right midsection. nothing too concerning, i'm afraid my hand, however, was sliced open like an honourless samurai's stomach. serioulsly, though, she fuckin went to town on me, guess that's payback for laughing when she attacks my friends feet. and so ended last night's adventure in suburbia
when my monkers could still fit in the palm of my hand (about 6 months ago) she took a bit of a spill. my best guess is that she was climbing around where she shouldn't have been and tried to walk on top of my slippery, rounded printer. from there she fell about four feet, which normally wouldn't have been too much of a problem for most evil little kittens like monkey, but for some reason, monkey must have forgotten to do that whole landing on your feet gig, or maybe she was trying to do the old coney island thing where they jump from way up there into a tiny cup er whatever cuz she nose dived into her ceramic water dish. this almost ended it for her, she was having siezures multiple times a day, couldn't get her to eat or drink, but she got better. it was slow at first but soon she could stand up again and then get a few steps in before losing her balance or footing. one day i was watching her try to get out of her litter box and she was climbing into the wall, and so i realized she had lost her ability to see. she adapted quickly, though and would walk the perimeter of the rooms with her whiskers touching the walls and once she got her bearings straight, she was the usual hellion i loved only now she'd miscalculate and run head first into the couch or coffee table. much to my surprise, she's actually regained a bit of her sight over the past couple months, now she can see about two feet in front of her, but beyond that it's just light sensitivity.
anyway, i changed the front door lock last night and apparently didn't get the damn door shut all the way, cuz when i came back downstairs an hour later, the front door was wide fuckin open. i ended up searching for about an hour by truck and foot, finally saw her down at the south end of my block which is blocked off with two of those big friggen "road closed" sign-thingys so no one can drive back there. i ran down there then started creeping trying not to scare her but she ran a littlexxxxs when she heard me coming. thought i lost her in the bushes next to the sidewalk cuz when i saw her i took off and i left the flashlight on the porch like a dipshit. then i heard a cat doin the growly hiss thing (i have honestly NEVER heard monkey do that before) and i saw a cat shape in the middle of the road. got a little closer and called to her and she let out the most pitiful whimpering meow, followed by the guttural growly hissy thing. i'm pretty sure that (a she was quite scared, confused and freaked out (b it was dark and her eyesight is so jacked all she knew was there was a set of unknown feet in front of her in an unknown environment and i found out once we got home that (c she had gotten into a scuffle with something else, so she was a bit wired, shook up, and scatterbrained as are most people after their first fight. so i knew that she was gonna either run or attack whatever came near her. i got up to where i was within grabing distance and she did a little[ "i wanna bolt but i can't see where the fuck i'd be bolting to, aw shit not that way, maybe this..., no not that way, fuck it... attack!" she then demonstrated her prowess in the ancient technique of blind kitty whirlwind style, specifically, the 21 fatal slices of the sacred kitten paws, and unleashed them upon my feet and left hand as i reached for her. i was able to get through the fury and take her by the scruff, only because my shaolin-tattoo meditation skills are almost as good as my bowstaff skills. i lifted her to my right arm where i cradled her till we got home. it took a couple minutes for her to settle down, but she climbed into my lap and began to purr. i found some gooey stuff on her hind leg and then some scabbing on her right midsection. nothing too concerning, i'm afraid my hand, however, was sliced open like an honourless samurai's stomach. serioulsly, though, she fuckin went to town on me, guess that's payback for laughing when she attacks my friends feet. and so ended last night's adventure in suburbia
Stopped by the shop yesterday, my grampa died so I was taking my sister out trying to cheer her up. I guess you weren't there though
Have a great day!