went to the real makenzies show last night in the bustling business center of downtown corvallis, oregon. arriving fashionably late, as always, i was able to catch the last half of "the briggs" set,
good fuckin shit!! the mackenzies demonstrated their fine ability to play great music while shitfaced drunk. i was disappointed that they have replaced jamie (bass) and brad (drums), especially jamie, though. thas ma boi, yo! matt (bagpipes) rushed off stage at the begining of the fourth song or so, (i may be making an ass out of me, not really u though) i assume to puke
, as is customary of any self respecting punk. prior to that he unintentionally whacked mark (guitar) in the head a few times with his pipes. he returned at the beginning of the next song to mipe the sweat from his brow, take a few pulls of a heinekin, and sing a line or two. after about three or four more songs he began to play the pipes once more, and very well at that. paul was in "speech" mode in the beginning of the set, but mellowed out after a little while. all in all, a very good show, and better than their last one they played hear, only because the last time they had to cut it short cuz kurt jumped up and swung his arm up as well which then collided with the exposed air duct, cutting his hand in a not-so-superficial manner.