FINALLY i get 2, COUNT 'EM: ONE, TWO!, days off in a row, no need to go into the shop, no friends that need to get their ink fix, no shifts to be covered, no overbooking of appointments! i am proud to say that for day one (today) i have done nothing but sit on my boney ass and crack out on the addiction better known as tiger woods pga tour 2005 for ps2. i must venture out into the harsh sunshine though, you see, tuesdays are new dvd days, so being the mass consumer that i am, i must go purchase all new releases. that and the fact that i have no food and am feeling quite malnurished.
ps. thanks to everyone that's given me such kickass compliments on my portfolio pics, if i didn't get to you to say thanx, i will some time. it's good to hear that some people can tell the difference between good work and chicken scratches done in yer buddies kitchen for a 6 pack and and a couple lines of meth
ps. thanks to everyone that's given me such kickass compliments on my portfolio pics, if i didn't get to you to say thanx, i will some time. it's good to hear that some people can tell the difference between good work and chicken scratches done in yer buddies kitchen for a 6 pack and and a couple lines of meth
That's funny that you said that, I saw some chick doing shitty tattoos out of her kitchen! It was some hippie family that sold weed out of their 5 year old girls bedroom, nice eh?
Anyway, they stunk, and the tattoo she was attempting was a chevy logo. . . a backwards chevy logo. I stay far away from those people. . . I can still smell the poutchuli and B.O. . . .