hmm lets see. whats new. feeling a hundred times better waking up today. what did i do. wrote bills, grocery shopped, all that fun jazz. I rented this old post-nuke war movie called a boy and his dog. kind of a comedy, but it was a cool story about this kid who could telapathically talk with his dog and best friend. a young don johnson starred way before he was in maimi vice. Thomas video in clawson, has one hell of a good selection of obsure and rare cult classics. im quite impressed. They have really early betty page videos that I might check out. Im back to the regular work routine on monday, so im going to do something decent this weekend to end my vacation layoff. i really am thinking about going for a long drive up state to clear my head, and see some colors. every now and then, i feel like a nomad. i hate the country life as well as hating the city life, ha. I can't seem to be at one place too long. well its like 3 am, so im going to call it anight. later on folks
i've heard nothing but awesome things about that place