The Pogues was the BEST. I am even more in love with them than before. They played such a nice, long set with tons of my favorite songs, and then two rather lengthy encores. Par for the course, I got beer all over my nice white schoolgirl shirt... hey, it was the Pogues... beer is supposed to be dribbling down your chin! And now I...
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The Pogues was my favorite band when I was younger.. They really rock !
Sounds like an awesome time smile
Yesterday I had the *best* day at work! It didn't start off great (I was scolded a bit by Drew), but then it got much better. A sailor and his wife came in wanting a mermaid on the sailor's arm, but the guys were all booked up. However, the couple were only in town for a few days, and they wanted the tattoo from Bluebird....
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a bit belated but
thanks for your comment on my now unrejected set! biggrin
I begin to like nipple tattoos smile Like stars or hearts.

Have a great weekend!
So today I pierced the noses of two girls... it was awesome. I did really well for my first time! I didn't lose any jewelry, didn't shake or anything... I was calm and happy, and the girls were teary and happy.

Last night I wanted to go see Lion of the North in Chicago, but my friend Amanda couldn't go and I would have been...
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Wow..im back!!I miss here and you!!!

I am happy that you have succeeded have done successfully two piercings in the nose and have said that made so well ... better than you have been happy with this, was the happiness of the girls! Because this is a sign that they liked the your work! I hope when I is there, in addition to going to the clubs, and we going to the clubs, I hope you also entire fure!!!lolll...i loved bodymodifications...i wanna yet tattooing my two arms, my legs, ... I not only did it because I am still without money.loll

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss luv ya my precious women!
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! HUG!

Tie's set was awesome, very beautiful!

I'm like that driving into Boston, I mostly just park on the outskirts and take the T in. Boston drivers are freakin' crazy!
So on Friday night, I went to a show for the first time since seeing Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds during their "No More Shall We Part" tour, around 2002. My friend Amanda (who's a senior in high school, and *ten* years younger than me!) called me up and asked if I wanted to go see some bands at a local coffee shop, and...
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Yeah, I know, but it's really hard. He *is* my boss, and also... I'm not the only one who's terrified of displeasing him. He can be very intimidating. I just do the best I can at whatever I can, and that's about all anyone can do. I've realized that I've been there about six weeks now... so pretty secure, huh?
Sounds like you had a great time, hug! smile
Yesterday at work totally sucked. I think my day began badly when my husband didn't have any Valentine's Day present for me, or any plans either. At work, Drew seemed really stressed out. His wife was there, but she was in a really good mood and was awesome. I vacuumed and accidentally caught Dave's tattoo cord in the machine, which sucked, even though there was...
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I've been on the receiving end of a couple of shoddy Valentines days, so this year, I didn't get a girl friend for spite. May need to revisit those actions at a later date.

At least you now have a standard for worst day ever at work. Will only get better.
Glad the dinner was great and you found a client for the shop!
I had such an awesome day yesterday. I was already stoked because it was my day to be at Bluebird. I actually bought a pack of cigarettes on the way to work because being at the shop, with all the tattoo smells (like the soap, ink, etc.) and sounds, has really been making me want to smoke. Since I've smoked on and off for the...
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You're very welcome! Thank you!
Great you are feeling more comfy at your workplace and get integrated well smile

MIss ya and Happy V-day!

I'm thinking that between the apprenticeship and taking care of my family, I might not have time to try and be a Suicide Girl after all. This makes me sad. However, I want to be a tattoo artist more than anything, and I think something has to go. It looks like so much fun, but it's been a bitch trying to get my photographer's schedule...
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Hey, I care it's almost your B-day! I'll be sure to wish you a happy one!

Maybe someday you will be an "official" Suicide Girl but i'm sure I speak for many when I say that you already are an SG in spirit! smile

Yeah, someday I will have to check out that show!
Don't worry. Concentrate on the apprenticeship for now ... smile
I just got home from Bluebird Tattoo. Things are going so well now! It seems like all the guys like me, which is awesome, and they think I'm doing a really good job. Drew told me that I did really great again today, and that everyone thought so. And when he told me, he looked so proud and cute! lol. He had a proud gleam...
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Good for you! biggrin
So am I in, or am I out? I won't know for quite a while, I'm betting.

It's really hard and kind of nerve-wracking to be on a trial basis at the shop. Not only that, but the trial period can last anywhere from 2 weeks to a month... *sigh*. I know it's a necessary evil, because the artists there all have to be happy...
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Yeah I hate that "up in the air" type of feeling...hopefully it will all work out. I think it will!

Wow, I really love that pic that guy posted above, lol. love
make sure that you are focusing on doing your best and being yourself,
not whether or not they all like you and want you around.
be confident(you know you are good) not arrogant
and have fun but be serious and pay attention to detail.
you wouldnt be where you are if you werent capable.
Today I was at the shop and everything went great. I'm relieved. I even got to bond with the guys who were more stand-offish before smile. Now I hope everyone loves me and wants to keep me. I can be the Bluebird Tattoo pet. "I'm lost, and with no one to love me! Please won't you keep me, Bluebird Tattoo guys?" I'm soooooo hoping they...
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That's cool you knew about Starbuck from my "short blonde hair" comment!

Sometimes on other sites people have said I'm ugly. So far, everyone on SG has been really cool, I've "met" some really awesome people (like you!) and I've been talking to a few girls who live near me that I have come to really like very much. wink I also have a massive crush on one of the SG's, I'll tell you who in a private message, lol.

I think the original BSG might be the reason for my "I'm afraid the things I like will be cancelled" thread in the Am I The Only One group,lol. I was in first grade in '78 when BSG first came on. It was on Sunday nights at 9-way past my bedtime! I used to beg my Mom to let me stay up and watch it. She was like "wait until summer when you can stay up and you can watch the repeats." So I waited all year for summer to come and then that spring it was cancelled! LMAO! I was so angry at my Mom that summer!

I look forward to seeing more of your tattoo art!
I think something went wrong with your comment, it's blank! wink