i cant believe im moving across the country again... i just did it last year! am i completely insane? boxes... folding boxes. taping boxes. filling boxes. taping boxes. hiring car to take boxes to post office. hoping boxes dont weigh more than 70 lbs because then the post office wont take them and ill have to hire car to take boxes to ups where everything costs more. boxes... ick. money. lots of money it costs to move. i must be insane.
no more work in that icky bar though so thats good. and school is almost over. i finished my big final project on friday night. sweet relief. one more test, 3 more classes, and 1 graduation dinner to go!
no more work in that icky bar though so thats good. and school is almost over. i finished my big final project on friday night. sweet relief. one more test, 3 more classes, and 1 graduation dinner to go!
it seems weird to me that you finish your class now - given that we're half way through our yr.
P.S. You are so pretty.