<table align="center" cellpadding="20"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center"> <font size="5"><b>Catwalk God(ess)</b></font><br> 25% Tastefulness, 84% Originality, 45% Deliberateness, 63% Sexiness </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <b style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0); text-align: center;">[Flamboyant Original Deliberate Sexy]</b><br><br>
You know fashion inside out but you're far from being its slave. To you
fashion is what you decide to wear. You've got great, if
unconventional, taste and plenty of courage to put your...
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You know fashion inside out but you're far from being its slave. To you
fashion is what you decide to wear. You've got great, if
unconventional, taste and plenty of courage to put your...
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I'm still debating what to do my thesis on. I want to somehow show how economics must be addressed when creating environmentally-preferable change.. I want to compare two case studes: what I've done to "Green Up" my local Whole Foods Market (I'm the Green Mission Rep. there) and the work I'm doing at New College on their waste stream. I'm really big into "green" purchasing/product alternatives and want to figure out the best methods to mainstream it I'm a third year, so I've got a little bit of time to work on this. Phew!
As for the other poster, I work two pretty professional jobs. I'm the Membership Manager at this really awesome environmental consulting (kind of) place (www.sarasotagreenconnection.com) and I'm the Green Mission Representative at Whole Foods Market, Sarasota. I go to regional meetings, for example, have a meeting across the state with the regional VP, meet with clients, work with various other companies to create business relationships, etc. No one has really cared how I look b/c I know my seriously know my shit. I'm glad that they see what's really important versus freaking out over a hair color, metal through my flesh, ink, etc.
As for the other poster, I work two pretty professional jobs. I'm the Membership Manager at this really awesome environmental consulting (kind of) place (www.sarasotagreenconnection.com) and I'm the Green Mission Representative at Whole Foods Market, Sarasota. I go to regional meetings, for example, have a meeting across the state with the regional VP, meet with clients, work with various other companies to create business relationships, etc. No one has really cared how I look b/c I know my seriously know my shit. I'm glad that they see what's really important versus freaking out over a hair color, metal through my flesh, ink, etc.
that sounds like a pretty nice little niche... glad youre doing well with it. Out of curiosity, are you strictly focusing your research on the economics of greeningsociety or throwing in other factors, and if so, what are some of the other main factors?
also, do you think it can be done? (solely through economics, that is.)
just curious,
also, do you think it can be done? (solely through economics, that is.)
just curious,
It did suck, too.

I totally went to the Fetish Factory while on a business trip in Ft. Lauderdale. Mmm. Uber-cheap stockings.... Shoes you'd want to fuck.... and an amazingly large variety of PVC wear.
Too bad I did that whole presentation in Chemistry & Society on how toxic PVC is.
Too bad I did that whole presentation in Chemistry & Society on how toxic PVC is.

PVC wear?

feel better soon.

feel better soon.

In an attempt to dye my inch-long blond roots purple, I somehow managed to dye them silverish. Arg.
Sad to say you are correct

http://ga1.org/wilderness/home.html Take a look.

I love researching my school.
Apparently the average incoming student's high school GPA was 3.95. 95% of the incoming students were in AP, IB, and/or Honors. Hahahahaha.
Apparently the average incoming student's high school GPA was 3.95. 95% of the incoming students were in AP, IB, and/or Honors. Hahahahaha.
where can you find out the average weight in drugs a freshman might consume in a year?
[Edited on Jun 09, 2005 11:42AM]

[Edited on Jun 09, 2005 11:42AM]
lol I wish!
work, work, work. Busy, busy.