....has a date!

Cafe girl broke up with her girlfriend... she came in to the cafe tipsy,

I was in there working on my script, and I'd read about the split moments before she walked in on facebook (wireless on my laptop). It was completely nerve wracking - but then she came over, and said there had been a few reasons for the split, and...
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Good on you luv! Happy for you.
Got a new bra - my boobs are nearly up to my chin!
Can't stop touching them- miss breasts. thank god I have my own pair

If I had a pair, and still had my balls and penis, I'd never leave the house!!!! biggrin
Not much to report, tbh.

Joined a gym, still waiting on a newtwork's decision for my script, get decision either way on my irish script in for english funding... I sort of blackmailed a company into taking my T shirt designs... erm...

Dating? Well. My love life is always complicated. ATM, there's a girl and a boy. Well, ok, and other boy.( By boy I'm...
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Well, I'm still working on this damn script.

...In other news, I'm designing for a British fashion label, www.letthekidsdance.co.uk... that's been fun. I've been asking my actor friends if they'd wear some things to get some exposure, and they said yes, and one lives with a celeb stylist who's going to have a look. It's only when i went and googled him and looked at...
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No Floozy, just keeping your options open!!!!! biggrin
I've gotten more and more gay.

The more naked men I've looked at lately, I've just thought... 'eww'.

Am i the only bisexual that's constantly having an identity crisis? Somedays I'm bi, some I'm just gay. Confuzzling, esp when u have a 'boyfriend.' Opps.

I used to be happy as larry just as a lesbian, and sometimes I wonder why I started dating men again?...
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I am back!!

How are you pet?

Getting more gay are you? Hm. Hope you don't say "ew" when (if) you think of me.
Not allowed to tell publicly. Has to do with my favorite band though.

PS your set is awesome!

So no USA for you?
I'm in Dublin ,Eire, on a script writing break. I was going to come live back over here, but my Dad is ill and I'm staying around my family in good ole' Blighty until he's on the mend. It's beautiful here, but travelling alone is always a bit... lonely.

Oh, also, I have a 'boyfriend'. We started as f'buddies, and now I think we like...
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..has been in London for the weekend.

Saw Elf, who is very pretty and colourful in person, but didn't say hullo, as she was busy working first time, then I had my mouth full in a cafe second time around, lol.

Stayed with my cousin in Camden with my lil sis. Pics to follow x
i like your little umbrellas.
...is looking for a flat in Dublin!

I wish I was in Dublin! My family is all German Irish American mutts but I favor my Irish half....Someday I'll hit the homeland, and probably get tossed out wink Good luck on the apartment search. Peace Bill
Black Flowers - Chapter 1

Author: Klara
Genre: angst, drama
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Six youths, bred as soldiers because of their rare bloodline, seek redemption for their manic short lives and time travel backwards to prevent their parent's abduction. Trystan; a young gay soldier falls in love with a man beyond glass.


Lauren awoke on a padded floor, which was soft beneath her. She...
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