I had such a great day today. I got up, missed my train into Union station, panicked, was going to be hellishly-don't-even-bother-turning-up late - so i got on a bus, made a great friend as I tried to find my stop .Turns out I'm miles closer to north Hollywood than going through union station all the time. yey! Buses from now on for me
So me and my new guy friend who's a new york photographer here for a few weeks on a job, are going to check out the art galleries downtown.
So I get to Hollywood Vine's tube station early to meet Chris, my film contact. He pulls up and takes me to lunch at a fab Thai place. Chris is an older guy who did effects on the re-made star wars. I sat and gushed over my thai chicken. lol. Then he drove me to the post office and I mailed my portfolio to Dreamworks, and I found the craziest pink padded envelope for it, I found it and showed it to Chris, and he went 'erm...'
Chris feels loads like an instant nice uncle. I liked him loooads. I felt i should have been more determined as I discussed my job searching, but I was just my sugar-rushed self, and hopefully just geniune and nice.
So he dropped me back off in Hollywood, and I found a poofy petticoat to wear under my growing collection of fifties dresses. Fab. Then I just mooched for a bit, and found a coffee place with good espresso called 'Audrey's'. The decor was fab!! All black and white and lush.
I sat in and read my Northwest Passage book, and couldn't concentrate, as it was sunny, I was full of good espresso and things were so relaxing and nice and pretty. And there was a cute older British guy sat on his own with a laptop. I have no idea why I have such a crush on older men that aren't particularly cute as such. He said something to the staff guy, and I honed in and thought 'ooh.. frig, he's British.'
So for the whole of my coffee, I sat in my fab fifties dress with my great cleavage wearing no bra underneath so it was straining wonderfully as i leant over reading my book, and I made loadsa flirty eye contact and whether it was the espresso or just that I was excited about how good my day had been so far, I was just sat praying this guy would do something. Because he was a little older, and he looked like a neat married type, I wasn't keen on making a first move just in case he threw me the 'I'm happy with a wife and two kids' line.
So I flirt for agges and he smiles at me quite a few times. Eventually I give up and reluctantly leave, and I go to the door near his table, and he looks up and smiles and says 'hi', just as my feet are carrying me out the door, so i keep walking and say hi back, and feel too much of an ejjit to walk backwards back in to say more to him!
I walked down the street and pondered ways to go back in and not look weird, but couldn't think of anything good. I really wanted this man's babies. I have such a fetish for older men who look.. boring. God knows why ,I just feel like it would be hot and exciting that I'm quirky enough for both of us. Like if I straddled him in his pressed shirt, he'd have a little look of cute fear in his eyes.
Ok, so after this weirdness that I thoroughly enjoyed, I walk down the street and bump into this guy who's trying to recuit gym members. It's been on my mind for agges to join a gym and get fit, as if my set goes up soon, I'd like to look more toned for further sets. I talk to him for ages and flirt, as I do with most ppl, and we get on great, so I go to the gym, bat my eyelashes and get a big ass discount. I am now a member of a swanky hollywood gym. The guy isn't bad either. Really down to earth and funny.
I have to actually buy sweatpants tomorrow then go in for a scary fitness assessment.
I finished my day with a free choccy bar and sitting here with my mac. *sigh*, there you go, a Bridget Jones style over-information post.
Not that I don't sound big headed enough in this post, but I'm getting hit on looooads in America. In England, fair enough, an average amount, ppl here and there. But here it's like everywhere I go . I'm flattered, but I'm getting sick of it now. Is this an american thing? maybe us British really do just do it differently, or are more reserved in flirting? (me excluded here)

So I get to Hollywood Vine's tube station early to meet Chris, my film contact. He pulls up and takes me to lunch at a fab Thai place. Chris is an older guy who did effects on the re-made star wars. I sat and gushed over my thai chicken. lol. Then he drove me to the post office and I mailed my portfolio to Dreamworks, and I found the craziest pink padded envelope for it, I found it and showed it to Chris, and he went 'erm...'
Chris feels loads like an instant nice uncle. I liked him loooads. I felt i should have been more determined as I discussed my job searching, but I was just my sugar-rushed self, and hopefully just geniune and nice.
So he dropped me back off in Hollywood, and I found a poofy petticoat to wear under my growing collection of fifties dresses. Fab. Then I just mooched for a bit, and found a coffee place with good espresso called 'Audrey's'. The decor was fab!! All black and white and lush.
I sat in and read my Northwest Passage book, and couldn't concentrate, as it was sunny, I was full of good espresso and things were so relaxing and nice and pretty. And there was a cute older British guy sat on his own with a laptop. I have no idea why I have such a crush on older men that aren't particularly cute as such. He said something to the staff guy, and I honed in and thought 'ooh.. frig, he's British.'
So for the whole of my coffee, I sat in my fab fifties dress with my great cleavage wearing no bra underneath so it was straining wonderfully as i leant over reading my book, and I made loadsa flirty eye contact and whether it was the espresso or just that I was excited about how good my day had been so far, I was just sat praying this guy would do something. Because he was a little older, and he looked like a neat married type, I wasn't keen on making a first move just in case he threw me the 'I'm happy with a wife and two kids' line.
So I flirt for agges and he smiles at me quite a few times. Eventually I give up and reluctantly leave, and I go to the door near his table, and he looks up and smiles and says 'hi', just as my feet are carrying me out the door, so i keep walking and say hi back, and feel too much of an ejjit to walk backwards back in to say more to him!
I walked down the street and pondered ways to go back in and not look weird, but couldn't think of anything good. I really wanted this man's babies. I have such a fetish for older men who look.. boring. God knows why ,I just feel like it would be hot and exciting that I'm quirky enough for both of us. Like if I straddled him in his pressed shirt, he'd have a little look of cute fear in his eyes.
Ok, so after this weirdness that I thoroughly enjoyed, I walk down the street and bump into this guy who's trying to recuit gym members. It's been on my mind for agges to join a gym and get fit, as if my set goes up soon, I'd like to look more toned for further sets. I talk to him for ages and flirt, as I do with most ppl, and we get on great, so I go to the gym, bat my eyelashes and get a big ass discount. I am now a member of a swanky hollywood gym. The guy isn't bad either. Really down to earth and funny.
I have to actually buy sweatpants tomorrow then go in for a scary fitness assessment.
I finished my day with a free choccy bar and sitting here with my mac. *sigh*, there you go, a Bridget Jones style over-information post.
Not that I don't sound big headed enough in this post, but I'm getting hit on looooads in America. In England, fair enough, an average amount, ppl here and there. But here it's like everywhere I go . I'm flattered, but I'm getting sick of it now. Is this an american thing? maybe us British really do just do it differently, or are more reserved in flirting? (me excluded here)
The English would never hit on you in the street. Americans are a little better in bars though. So many times I was out in England and some drunk scummer would come uo to the girl I was hanging up with look me in the eye and say with a midlands accent, "Ey mate, is she your girlfriend?" As soon as I said "no" they were all over her in a rather gross way.
Be flattered, maybe?
The place I'm from newcastle.. the bars are insane. People are really rough and do exactly like you said. That's odd isn't it? Culturally maybe I'm noticing daytime flirting, it's just that guys have been stopping me in the street and stopping their cars beside me, that's not en english thing. When it does happen in England, you're horrified and run!
I know America has all the gangs, but England is very famous for bored jobless youths, that do hang around everywhere and just breed, drink cheap cider and attack you for no reason. Its the youths that are just born into nasty siatuations, and =don't get schooling or earn money to escape their situation. I know it's the same in all countries, but english kids are just so naturally angry and yobbish in those kind of situations. Even the best of seem to have an odd yobbish spirit after a few drinks. I dunno.
Everytime I go to another country, i just notice the lack of yobs, lol. Or Charvahs, as we call them - chavs down south.
For the flirting, I'm flattered, but I'm getting vaguely annoyed.