My grandma did my hair up!! (see pic

I get to find out about my film script next month.. woot! I started a boring new call centre job too - for the pennies.
Got in contact with a guy called marc, that I had a thing with years ago when I was 19. He's a really nice guy - he wants me to go to Amsterdam to see him .I'd love to.. I live close enough, i can catch an overnight ferry. Just i don't have many pennies right now

I dunno what to write. My life's at a complete standstill right now. I'm just waiting for things to happen. I'm talking to the disney studio again this week, so that's good.
I have to ring up to see if my laptop data got saved or not - my poor poor novel...
I'm still growling at the bitchiness of some of the SG's mind.. grrrr.
..and... damn, I'm still in love. wwwhhyy.. whyy did i have to fall for someone work related? It's so hard. But.. I'm moving to his city in a couple of months.. god knows what he'll think! (I'm going for my career, not for him, believe me)
He has people kiss his ass all day every day - what do you do with people like that? When we met, we had loadsof time to ourselves, and we just vegged and talked on about silly things for the day. Then that night, I went to his lecture, and just... oww. A cinema full of people clapping at every word he said.
i liked his eyes. We had just sat staring at each other.
aarghh... noo more minor celebrities. Noo more. This guy'll have to watch his toes, I'm going to excell past him in our career path.
I'm so angry, heartbroken and sad at the same time. Because of thios whole thing, I can't work for two of the biggest companies in the states for my job

I don't wnat to fall in love again.. i hate it. I didn't want to fall in love in the first place. A psychic warned me that I would, and i told her 'but i don't want to!'. I'm a multi-dater, who flits around. But damn.. this guy came along, and it was just pooof. Damage done. I used to be suuuuch a cynical person, and I hated that i had to revaluate so many personal beliefs.
I think I'm nearly over him.. but, I can't be sure. Whenever I see his film stuff, I just want to throw up

So, this is probably nothing, but have you noticed an ominous, sinister undercurrent in the world'd energy lately? I think something big is in the works, within the next month. Thoughts?
Tambien, are you still going to be in the UK this July?