I'm officially old (though I really don't think so). I attended my high school reunion last night....if you can really call it that.
I'm such a Valley Girl that my high school reunion was a bunch of people getting together in a bar....which was in a MALL, next store to a movie theater. Priceless.
I'm such a Valley Girl that my high school reunion was a bunch of people getting together in a bar....which was in a MALL, next store to a movie theater. Priceless.
I was totally fascinated by the Valley Girl thing when I was in LA last year
i never went to my reunion. i never really liked the folks i went to high school with so i didn't see the point in going. a buddy of mine did and he told me all the sordid details...who's got kids/got married/got fat/skinny...blah, blah. he also said it was a pissing contest of sorts with everyone trying to flaunt there accomplishments. i'm still glad i didn't go.
valley girls...hmmm...