I haven't put a journal up in 6 months and thought it was about time to put something back up. Life has been Busy Busy. You would think for someone wit no job things would slow down but i'm still on my toes. I'm taking some summer classes cause well they are eaiser then fall and spring semester courses. Although condensed statistics is starting to fry my brain 4 chapters in 2 weeks acck. Also taking Racial and Ethnic Relations. So far so good and it's fun to listen to the professor go off on his rants and raves about the world and gov't in general . Anyone who is going to Southeastern and wanting to take any sociology classes Castro is one enertaining teacher. Although he has admitted his classes are harder in the fall and spring if that matters to you all and all still fun to listen to him teach. Although don't do your statistics homework when he is lecturing like me he will come and stand next to you and lecture. So I should be out in Spring as long as everything goes peachy keen. Well I'm out till i feel like doing this again catch you on the flip side.
hope summer keepin you sweeet