So this is my last week of break before my classes start back up and what have I been doing. I'll tell you nothing of imortance bening lazy laying around watching the TV. What have I been watching on TV the 24/7 week long Bond Marathon. I must of seen Octopussy like 4 times lol. I did take a two hour break last night to watch the Lost Special and The new Lost though. But then it was Back to Bond currently it's Live and Let Die for the second time after you only Live Twice for the second time.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 11, 2008
Over a year since my last Blog boy oh boy alot has happened. Most of… -
Monday Jun 04, 2007
WOW almost a year since my last blog lol. I should probably try to b… -
Tuesday Jun 20, 2006
I haven't put a journal up in 6 months and thought it was about time … -
Friday Jan 27, 2006
Well I just got my folder of Katrina pictures up. Need to thank Drus… -
Sunday Jan 22, 2006
So my new semester started Tuesday but I didn't have class till Wedne… -
Thursday Jan 12, 2006
So this is my last week of break before my classes start back up and … -
Monday Jan 09, 2006
So I was going to make a folder of pictures I took in the 9th ward Ja… -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
Went to see Cowboy Mouth at the Varsity last Friday they put on a gre…