just here studying chess in a coffee shop taking advantage of someone's unsecured wireless network.
recent accomplishments:
went through all of the king and pawn endings for all the material that i have.
started on minor piece endings.
improved my reading speed from 250 words per minute to 800, and working toward 1000+
bought a new car
found out that i made over 30000 dollars last year...but this usually requires me to work 50+hours a week
the reading thing
once i finish my endgame study concluding all the material i own i will go through my opening and middlegame play
become an expert rated player
learn how to dance well( not that i don't like the way i dance, i just want to do it well)
once i accomplish the reading speed thing i want to start reading a book a week, and soon after take up some college classes.
i found out that I'm someone my wife looks up to and that I've been a good life mentor toward her and she drew a picture of me. i smiled. I am the luckiest man i know, not to mention that i got permission to fool around which i havn't done anything about, but just her saying that was awesome. I really don't have the time to go looking for ass between chess, work and the family.
life is good
recent accomplishments:
went through all of the king and pawn endings for all the material that i have.
started on minor piece endings.
improved my reading speed from 250 words per minute to 800, and working toward 1000+
bought a new car
found out that i made over 30000 dollars last year...but this usually requires me to work 50+hours a week
the reading thing
once i finish my endgame study concluding all the material i own i will go through my opening and middlegame play
become an expert rated player
learn how to dance well( not that i don't like the way i dance, i just want to do it well)
once i accomplish the reading speed thing i want to start reading a book a week, and soon after take up some college classes.
i found out that I'm someone my wife looks up to and that I've been a good life mentor toward her and she drew a picture of me. i smiled. I am the luckiest man i know, not to mention that i got permission to fool around which i havn't done anything about, but just her saying that was awesome. I really don't have the time to go looking for ass between chess, work and the family.
life is good
If you can read this, that means I would really appreciate it if you were to check out my band, The Wrecktals! We just recorded a demo, and a couple tracks are up on MySpace, and then a track-or-two-that's-not-on-MySpace is on FaceBook.
We really wanna make friends with you! Seriously! That's one thing that a lot of bands hate... There's this nice fat fucking gap between fan and artist. Fuck that gap. Gaps need to be fucked. Fuck it! The Gap that is! So go there! And tell us what you think!
And if you are super-friendly and rad and awesome! You caaaan...
And again, please tell us what you think! And if you know anybody who likes their punk and ska and hardcore... Please pass the good word on!
Look! We're like Rancid! Can we have some street cred now?
This band is my baby. We are going to be successful (in terms of creating that feeling in someone's chest when they hear that song they love, not "successful" as in "money"). It's our dream and it's gonna happen through our own hard work and passion and love for radness!
But like I said, we have a demo out. You pay $4 and you get eight (wicked-quality) tracks that last almost half-an-hour, some sweet DIY eye-candy, and instant immortality/karma! That's right! Everyone who buys our demo will have their name immortalized somewhere on the next release! So make sure we know who you are! We want to thank each and every one of you who actually listened to us!
We're playing lots of rad underground shows and we support all of those who make music for the sake of creation and expression. I've been to every fucking band I can imagine within five-bajillion-miles of me, so the favour better be returned!
My name is Christoph, but most people call me Slut (short for PunkerSlut)... And you can call me Susan, if it makes you happy... But on behalf of The Wrecktals, thank you for your time! I hope you like us!
'Cause if you read all this, it means we already like you!
Live. Love. Unity.