I've been told i have the body of a greek statue.
I have been set up, more or less, on a blind fuck date
ive made average 600 dollars a week.
im taking my first weekend off of work in about a month, i usually take one day, but because of the holiday im taking three.
ive memorized 8 complete chess games ranging from 21- 40 moves in lenght each, all played by master and up players.
saw a baby five minutes after it was born.... not mine. it was amazing.
some hostes asked me if i was going to see "pirates" when i was at a resturaunt .... just because i clothe my self in a pirate shirt which i ware at least twice a week and put on a bandana every time i leave the house doesnt mean im going to fucking see the pirate movie!!!!! (it just so happoned though that i just came from it, but fuck her anyway)\
I started playing in a weakly tournament in which i play one game a week. there may be one person in my catigory that will give me any resistance. i dont plan on it being an issue disbatching him.
live well and later.
I've been told i have the body of a greek statue.
I have been set up, more or less, on a blind fuck date
ive made average 600 dollars a week.
im taking my first weekend off of work in about a month, i usually take one day, but because of the holiday im taking three.
ive memorized 8 complete chess games ranging from 21- 40 moves in lenght each, all played by master and up players.
saw a baby five minutes after it was born.... not mine. it was amazing.
some hostes asked me if i was going to see "pirates" when i was at a resturaunt .... just because i clothe my self in a pirate shirt which i ware at least twice a week and put on a bandana every time i leave the house doesnt mean im going to fucking see the pirate movie!!!!! (it just so happoned though that i just came from it, but fuck her anyway)\
I started playing in a weakly tournament in which i play one game a week. there may be one person in my catigory that will give me any resistance. i dont plan on it being an issue disbatching him.
live well and later.

Watching birth is SO amazing.
Your body and your cock are amazing. Serious.
What explains alot? Me not getting fucked enough?
It makes me think of your parts.
Haircut pics will come soon.