I bought a book on how to attack with 1.e4
I bought a book on how to improve my chess calculation
Im almost done with my book on chess stratagy
I really enjoy my book on endgames
Art of attack is on the back burner
My system may replace the chess stratagy book when im done with it.
Studying tactis is fun, but i plan on doing only a few exercizes a day and focus more on the improving calculation
I love Metro Day Pass
My girlfriend is the only person i know that has moved more then I have.
I like the people at my work better then at the last one
Muse/gorrillaz/horse the band are good studyig music... its a tie for knights of cydonia and el manana for my favorite songs right now.
time to study.
I love.
I bought a book on how to improve my chess calculation
Im almost done with my book on chess stratagy
I really enjoy my book on endgames
Art of attack is on the back burner
My system may replace the chess stratagy book when im done with it.
Studying tactis is fun, but i plan on doing only a few exercizes a day and focus more on the improving calculation
I love Metro Day Pass
My girlfriend is the only person i know that has moved more then I have.
I like the people at my work better then at the last one
Muse/gorrillaz/horse the band are good studyig music... its a tie for knights of cydonia and el manana for my favorite songs right now.
time to study.
I love.
