got the job, i just need to walk in. manager said nothing but good things about me, i stood waiting around the corner as he spoke with the other general manager. A move will be soon and the new beginning is welcome. Changing things up a bit. three to four weeks and ill be working at a new store. I wonder how the new people will respond to my tatoo's. next week i help my dad with his yard and after that i just wait till they can get me started there. Ill get health dental and vision once i get there. i should have full time when summer is over and it looks like i may have another chance to try to become a supervisor wich will pay signifacantly more. weather or not i get it really doesnt matter, just haveing the job there will be the important thing. i think ill go read comic books now and study some more chess. soon to lose my local area minor celebrity status. it will be nice to not have everyone know me.

With the new girl?