I renewed my membership on the internet chess club and things are slowing going back to how they should be. Im spending more time playing then i was before and my studying will go down a bit. this way i can analyze my games and look for where i made mistakes so as i can hopefully not make a habit out of them. I have also become significantly less social which is good. I want to get some highschool math books and start studying math again, it got more interesting now and i think i would really excell in it.
hours later
the coolest person i can think of today i just finished a conversation with is 30, attractive and intelligent, seemingly understanding and wears glasses. i will talk to her again, but next time instead of romantic relatinoships, religion and family we will talk about politics and sociology.
hours later
the coolest person i can think of today i just finished a conversation with is 30, attractive and intelligent, seemingly understanding and wears glasses. i will talk to her again, but next time instead of romantic relatinoships, religion and family we will talk about politics and sociology.

Wow, cooler than me?
You sure know how to talk sweet to a lady.