so the sleep dep was fun, i won though because i still didnt go to sleep till about 130am. i was fairly determined to not mess up my sleep schedual. i woke up this morning going to the gym with only the intention of takeing a shower, but as i got closer deceded to work out, which makes me feel better now. 1 extra day a week kinda equals about 240 a month.... i didnt want to take it, but im going to need to save money for prom, especially if im still paying for chess lessons. i still feel like im actually learning alot. soduku is getting easier. i picked up on that just to practice pattern recognicion with something else. i still havnt gotten around to painting the inside of my house(van) but only because of bad weather. im pretty sure the colors im useing are blue/red/brown/and?....hmm whatever, it will be fun either way.
"and i fight wit all of my heart all of my soul and all of my might"
"and i fight wit all of my heart all of my soul and all of my might"
1) i won't be going outside
2) living on base means not having to pay for air conditioning
which means as long as i'm inside, i can be a popsicle if i so desire.
bring on the summer, bitches. BUH-RING IT!