Im getting out of the army..... yah. i guess its about time. ive only been going to physical therapy for 5 months now for the same injury. geez. anyways. i come home in november. my husband is staying in though. no big deal i guess. anyways. how is everyone. i miss virginia so much!! well i guess i should get looking into a job again... gahhh. thats gonna suck. anyhow. Im getting a weenie dog soon. YAY! ive even put some serious thought into starting a family. its so wierd how fast things change in your life. im just glad its for the better this time as opposed to all the cruddy things that were happening before. anyways. i got a new phone in my name. im gonna get another car in my name this time. im getting rid of everything with my ex's name on it finally. thank goodness. thank you to all of u that helped me through all that shit! esp. through the times that i thought it would fix things if i went back to the retard. had it not been for you guys i never would have met my husband.
anyways i guess imma go look around and see whats going on.. on here and try and look at some jobs...
later guys....

later guys....